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The smell of oregano is often associated with pizza and pasta dishes, and adding this herb to popular foods is a great way to boost your health. Oil of oregano is a powerful extract to boost immune system function and treats a variety of health issues. It is a perennial herb that grows to 2.5 feet tall. Its leaves and purple flowers are used for medicinal purposes. It is sometimes called wild marjoram.
Mediterranean, India, Baltic states, Central Asia, Mexico, Central America, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec
Antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, tonic, anti-allergen, insecticide. Strengthens the immune system, and can be an effective defense treatment if a virus is in the early stages. Strong antibacterial properties can knock out infections anywhere in the body. Treats respiratory conditions, bronchitis,
sinus infections, urinary tract infections, skin conditions, burns, headache, dandruff, gum disease, sore muscles, varicose veins, asthma, croup, heartburn, halitosis
For all conditions, pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 teaspoon dried oregano. Strain before drinking. Use as a mouthwash for gum disease and halitosis. When oil of oregano is applied on the skin, it must be heavily diluted with a carrier oil to avoid skin irritation. The oil also helps with acne, and you can add a drop or two to facial cleanser to avoid breakouts.
OREGANO OIL Makes 1 cup
Oil of oregano is the oil extracted from the oregano leaves. This is an infused oil, great for cooking or topical application. You will need an 8-ounce container with lid for this recipe. An empty oil bottle works well for storage.
1 cup dried oregano
1 cup extra virgin olive of grape seed oil
• Heat the oil over low heat for about 2 minutes. Add the oregano, and stir.
• Pour into a jar and tightly screw on the lid. Store in a cool, dark, place for 2 weeks.
• After 2 weeks, strain the oil through cheesecloth or a fine-mesh sieve. Pour into an empty oil bottle, from which you can easily fill dropper bottles as needed.
Take 1 teaspoon per day as a tonic, and to treat parasites and allergies. Apply topically to treat skin conditions, burns, headache, dandruff, sore muscles, and varicose veins.
Orégano, Origanum vulgare
Principalmente, se usa como condimento para carnes y pastas. Sus hojas y flores se emplean por vía oral, favorece la digestión y el apetito, es antiflatulento, aperitivo, diurético, expectorante, antiespasmódico, antiinflamatório, cicatrizante y en el tratamiento de afecciones respiratorias. En emplasto se usa para desinflamar ganglios. Se comprobó su actividad antioxidante en las hojas, aceite esencial e infusión. El aceite esencial mostro actividad antimicrobiana. Se recomienda como antiinflamatorio y digestivo. Es contraindicado para embarazo y lactancia.
Principalmente, se usa como condimento para carnes y pastas. Sus hojas y flores se emplean por vía oral, favorece la digestión y el apetito, es antiflatulento, aperitivo, diurético, expectorante, antiespasmódico, antiinflamatório, cicatrizante y en el tratamiento de afecciones respiratorias. En emplasto se usa para desinflamar ganglios. Se comprobó su actividad antioxidante en las hojas, aceite esencial e infusión. El aceite esencial mostro actividad antimicrobiana. Se recomienda como antiinflamatorio y digestivo. Es contraindicado para embarazo y lactancia.